So Christian and Paige really wanted a pet goldfish, and finally after weeks of saving they had enough cash for the big purchase. We went to Petsmart last Saturday, and after spending a good 30 minutes with the all important "Fish Manager" we left with two fish. The kids named the fish on the way home. Christian's fish would be named Porky (he's been watching The Little Rascals lately) and Paigie named hers Marcea.
We got the fish set up in their new fishbowl and they seemed pretty happy until the next night. Porky was swimming around with something weird hanging from him. We looked it up on the internet, because you can diagnose anything on the internet, and found out that Porky had been eating too much, (living up to his name) and had a condition called "Fish Constipation". The directions said not to feed him for two days and he would be fine. So we went back and bought another fishbowl ($7.98) so that Porky wouldn't eat Marcea's food.
Well needless to say, the starvation therapy backfired and Porky was found lying in the bottom of the bowl today. Alyssa said that earlier she could tell he was on his last leg....I don't know why she didn't try to resuscitate him. Christan didn't take the whole thing too hard until he saw Paige taking a picture of her fish (because she wanted to have a picture of Marcea in case she died) and he felt bad that he had already flushed Porky. Paige quickly recognized Christian's grief and drew a picture of Porky, which she let Christian color and then we took a picture of the picture of Porky. Everyone had ice cream and went to bed happy.
Other news for the day:
-Chelsea gave her campaign speech on the School TV today and Alyssa said she did a great job. She will find out at 7:15 tomorrow morning if she made Senate again. Let's all keep our fingers crossed. I thing if she doesn't make it she will be ok, but I will probably cry.
-I am working on a door decoration for Christian's teacher's door for teacher appreciation week next week. I went to the school today and interviewed and took pictures of all the kids in his class to put on the poster. Kindergartner's are funny!
-Alyssa has been asked to play the harp for her friend's benefit concert on Monday. Elise is raising money to pay for her to go to Italy and be an exchange student in August. That means I lose one of my Mia Maids. Maybe I'll boycott the fundraiser. J\K
-Chelsea performed with Clayton Productions at the Golden Living Center today and did an awesome job on her solo. She was the best if you ask me.
-Our nephew\cousin Danny leaves on his mission tomorrow. I know he will be a great missionary, and I hope he has a lot of success in Arkansas. Love you Danny!
-Mom and dad will be back from their trip to Canada in a few days. I'm glad they are having a good time. I felt so bad when they had to cut their last trip short. One day in Aruba is just not enough!
-Carlos and I signed up to be friends on Facebook today. I'm not sure exactly what that means but I'm sure it will be fun!
It is raining and snowing tomorrow, so put your flip flops back in the closet. Love to all!
Slow Start
1 week ago
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